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The Backtrack module will lag other players when they are about to move out of range, allowing you to get additional hits on them.

This module is mainly intended to be used on servers where regular reach cheats are detected. Since Backtrack is fully lag based, it does not violate vanilla Minecraft mechanics.

Target distance

Specifies at which distances Backtrack may activate. For example, when set to 1.0 - 4.0, Backtrack will not activate for players closer than 1 block or further away than 4 blocks.

Maximum delay

Configures the maximum amount of time that the module may block packets for. Higher values mean players will be kept closer for a longer time, therefore offering more time to hit them.

Maximum hurt time

Limits how high the target’s hurt time can be before Backtrack activates (a hurt time of 200 ms here means that the player can be damaged again in 200 milliseconds, ignoring latency). Keep in mind that any setting below the maximum will make Backtrack activate in spikes, rather than applying a constant smooth lag.


Allows setting a delay after Backtrack deactivates. For example, if you set this value to 1.0 s and Backtrack lags a player who then goes out of range, at least one second must pass before it can start lagging again.

Real position indicator

When enabled, the module will render a box that indicates where the player would be standing if there was no lag. There are various options that can be customized:

  • Color
  • Line width
  • Filled (if false, only an outline is drawn)
  • Apply head rotation (the box will rotate based on where the player is aiming)

Disable on hit

Immediately stops lagging if you take knockback.


You can configure the module to only activate when you are holding a weapon.